Tom Tugendhat MP opens new road at Kings Hill
The installation of a signalised puffin crossing to provide safe pedestrian access across Tower View to the schools and shops of Liberty Square in Kings Hill has prompted developer Liberty Property Trust to open one of the new roads ahead of schedule.

The installation of a signalised puffin crossing to provide safe pedestrian access across Tower View to the schools and shops of Liberty Square in Kings Hill has prompted developer Liberty Property Trust to open one of the new roads ahead of schedule.

While work is being carried out installing the crossing a temporary road closure will be in place on Tower View for two weeks from 30 April, so the decision was taken to open the newly completed road which links Tower View with Beacon Avenue. It is part of the newly commenced residential neighbourhood in Kings Hill which will provide more badly needed homes in the borough. The construction team was moved from other jobs in order to complete the road early.

Tonbridge and Malling MP Tom Tugendhat formally opened the new road on 20 April.

“We decided to open the road early as we saw that this would be helpful to people living and working in Kings Hill,” said estate manager Susan Davies of developer Liberty Property Trust.

“We were able to redeploy contractors involved in other works to speed up the road opening even though we hadn’t planned to open the road for another few months as we saw this would be helpful.

“The road will remain open once the works on Tower View have been completed although we may have to use traffic management from time to time for the safety of the work force while we continue with landscaping and necessary road maintenance.”

Tower View will be closed from Monday 30 April between the entrance to 11 Tower View and Alexander Grove and diversions will be clearly indicated. It is scheduled to reopen two weeks later on the evening of Monday 14 May. Further information regarding the diversion route is available at

“It’s crucial to keep Kings Hill moving for pedestrians, cars and buses. That’s why I’m pleased that a puffin crossing will go on Tower View. It will make walking between the new residential neighbourhood currently being built in Kings Hill and the schools and shops in Liberty Square much safer,” said Tom Tugendhat.

“I’m pleased Liberty have been able to open the new road early. It will improve traffic flow, especially around the Sports Park and Beacon Avenue area as well as helping mitigate the impact of Tower View being closed for a couple of weeks soon.”