Advance notification, resurfacing works
Over the last 2 years, Kings Hill Estate Management has successfully completed resurfacing works to the in/outbound carriageways of Tower View. This year the final stage of the works will be to upgrade the tarmac road surface around the roundabout that leads into Tower View. It will include the associated sections of road leading to Kings Hill Avenue, Tower View and Park Drive. To minimise disruption, the works will be completed over the 2 weekends, either side of half term. The timing of the works has also been agreed with KCC Highways in order to avoid any other roadworks locally and to coincide with the school holidays. Since the above timings were agreed, lockdown has been implemented but the timings of the works will remain unchanged.
The surface will be removed during the first weekend and the ‘planings’ will be recycled to construct the new parking areas at Kings Hill Sports Park, for which planning consent has recently been granted
Over the following weekend the new road surface will be completed.
The diversion route will be clearly signed and the entrance at Gibson Drive will remain accessible. Bus routes will be amended and the retailers and commercial occupiers of the business park, along with the emergency services, will all be informed in advance.