3rd August 2021
Lotties Lollies

Starting Friday, 6 August, 11am – 3pm, Lotties Lollies will be located in Liberty Square, opposite the Control Tower.
Ice cream treats, waffles, pancakes, cookie boxes and more, will be on offer – https://www.facebook.com/login/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2Fcategory%2FLocal-Business%2FLotties-Lollies-Balloons-and-Gifts-432534477219287%2F.
For a trial period, Lotties Lollies will be returning each Friday, to bring some summer fun.
It is hoped that this complementary offer will help support existing Liberty Square outlets by increasing footfall.
If the trial is successful, other complementary offers may be considered – all enquiries to ecottee@prologis.com.