A228/Tower View junction works – 05.09.22
Notification of A228/Tower View junction capacity improvement works
Planning Condition 15 of the Phase 3 Outline consent requires Rouse Kent Residential Ltd to make improvements to the A228/Tower View junction, to increase capacity.
A scheme of improvements was submitted to KCC Highways and Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council, which comprise:
- widening of the junction approach from the south
- addition of traffic lights on the roundabout
- KEEP CLEAR road markings
- anti-skid surfacing
The works will be undertaken under a s278 agreement with KCC Highways and are scheduled to start on 5 September, completing 8 weeks later on 30 October, 2022.
During the works, there will be 7 night time road closures for re-surfacing, the application of the high friction surfacing and white lining.
The diversion routes have been agreed with KCC Highways Streetworks team and signage will be installed in accordance with the traffic management plan.
Any queries should be emailed to – enquiries@kingshillmanagement.com