**Youth Recreational Outdoor Facility – Community Survey (click here to view/download)**
A further phase of the development was granted planning approval in February 2020 and will provide a total of 350 residential dwellings, including family homes, apartments and affordable housing, along with additional open space provision. It comprises three sites – see downloads below for details:
- Development site between 1 Tower View and 35 Kings Hill Avenue (site 5.1) comprising up to 70 new homes;
- Development site north and east of Jubilee Way (combined sites 5.2 and 5.3) comprising up to 210 new homes;
- Development site between 23 Kings Hill Avenue and 8 Abbey Wood Road(site 5.6) comprising up to 70 new homes;
- Overall the proposals will deliver up to a total of 350 new homes, of which 40% will be affordable.
Enquiries welcome from house builder developers. Contact us.