Office Art on display in Kings Hill

Office Art on display in Kings Hill
The exhibitions are made up of 8 smaller exhibitions, which work well in isolation or together. By varying the types of work in each building, and displaying a map in each of the buildings which hosts an exhibition detailing the other exhibition spaces, we hope to create a trail which will encourage you to look at the art in the other buildings. Appreciation of art is subjective and different people like different types of art as they like different types of music and literature so during an exhibition you may find that you particularly connect with a piece in your own building or in another building which is why it can be very rewarding to see what is on display elsewhere.
There is a variety of high quality art on display in each exhibition from painting, printmaking and photography to very large sculptural work. Installation of the work takes place over a week and some of you may have seen the work being installed at various stages. Installation of the work can range from being very straightforward, hanging of pictures once the decisions have been made on where they will go, to more challenging installation of sculptures over the weekend.
View the Current Exhibition here
Comments, positive or negative, but constructive please, are welcome and you can email me on info@frickletonfineart.co.uk